A non-destructive IR reflectance tool for analyzing art objects.
ArtView operates in a non-contact mode, using a reflectance method to measure the mid-IR spectrum of artifacts. Mid-IR spectroscopy can distinguish a wide range of organic and mineral materials, even when data quality is less than optimal.
ArtView collects data by reflectance. Even quite rough or dull surfaces can reflect enough mid-IR radiation to generate a spectrum that can be used to identify materials, or make useful comparisons.
Set up the ArtView probe and bring an object close to the probe end, or point the probe at the surface of a very large object
Collect data for fifteen or thirty seconds
Sample a range of sites on the surface within a few minutes
View and compare spectra in real time
Compare spectra to each other, to known samples, to spectral libraries
Answer questions about art objects in minutes without destructive sampling
Ploeger et. al., Non-Invasive Mid-IR Fibre Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy
Analysis of Painted Glass Magic Lantern Slides, 9th Int. Conf. on NDT of Art, Jerusalem,
Israel, 25-30 May 2008
Ormsby et al.,
FTIR Studies of Wet Cleaning Treatments on Acrylic Paintings,
e-PS, 2009, 6, 186-195
Williams, On-Site Non-Destructive Mid-IR Spectroscopy of Plastics in
Museum Objects Using a Portable FTIR Spectrometer with Fiber-Optic Probe, Mat. Res. Soc.
Symposium Proc. Vol. 462, 1997, 25-30
Miliani et al.,
Fiber-Optic FTIR Reflectance Spectroscopy: A Suitable Technique for in-Situ Studies of Mural Paintings,
App. Spec. 61, 2007, 293-299